The day ticket waters of Derbyshire provide the visiting angler with the opportunity to access many miles of fine fly fishing, and for most day rods these waters will be perfect. For those anglers who prefer their angling to be a little more ‘exclusive’, ABAS can offer something very special.

Few of the rivers in the Peak District escape the pressure of day ticket angling, but there are some beats which have been tucked away, protected from this pressure by angling enthusiasts and diligent river keepers; by Dukes, Lords and landowners who recognise the importance of protecting these particular habitats for the future. Be it brown trout, rainbow trout or grayling, these waters offer the opportunity to fish in pristine environments for wild fish.
These waters are lightly fished oases, where few boots tread but many fish swim, and, for the discerning angler, will provide both the ultimate test and the greatest satisfaction. Let ABAS assist you in fishing the waters which other anglers don’t, and make for an unforgettable day on the river.
Out of respect for these waters and their keepers they will not be published publicly, so please contact me directly for more information.
These waters are lightly fished oases, where few boots tread but many fish swim, and, for the discerning angler, will provide both the ultimate test and the greatest satisfaction. Let ABAS assist you in fishing the waters which other anglers don’t, and make for an unforgettable day on the river.
Out of respect for these waters and their keepers they will not be published publicly, so please contact me directly for more information.